A wedding is a very auspicious function for everyone in the family and its importance is the same in every culture. Every culture has different wedding ornaments, in some cultures, the wedding ornament is a ring or a toe ring, or a nose ring, or even the bangles, but Mangalsutra is the most important wedding ornament in every Indian wedding function.

In this article, we have tried to give readers a brief view of the importance of a Mangalsutra in a woman’s life.

What is Mangalsutra?

Mangalsutra’s native word is “Mangalsutram”, and if we bifurcate the word then, the “Mangal” means auspicious, blessed, pure, and very prosperous, whereas the word “Sutram” means a thread. A Mangalsutra is mainly made from 3 parts, thread, black beads, and the gold thaali, in which the thread is dyed with turmeric and saffron paste.

The Mangalsutra is also known as the “Soubhagyalankar” in which, “Soubhagya” stands for the marital status of the woman and, Alankar stands for ornament. Mangalsutra is an ornament that tells everyone that the one who is wearing it is married.

Significance of a Mangalsutra

If you are living in a joint family with your parents-in-law and also grandparents-in-law, then you must be knowing that for our grandmas Mangalsutra is not just a neckpiece, for them, it is the most sacred ornament that their husband gifts them on their wedding day.

The groom places the Mangalsutra on the bride’s neck because it is a very sacred thread that is responsible for the well-being of the groom’s life and the bride is the one who is blessed with qualities and this is a thread of hope that they both will be together till death parts them up.

Traditionally, if you are aware then, at weddings the groom is supposed to tie 3 knots to the Mangalsutra in which the first knot defines the loyalty of the wife towards her husband, the second knot defines the loyalty toward the husband’s family and the third knot defines the devotion to God and praying him to protect this special bond. Well, in some cultures the second and third knots are tied by the groom’s sister as an acceptance. The wedding functions differ from culture to culture.

Mangalsutra is also a thread of promise of love, and affection and also to remind each other of the responsibilities of the husband and wife towards each other.   

What is the ideal length of Mangalsutra?

According to the traditions, the ideal length of a Mangalsutra should be approx 30 inches long, which means the Mangalsutra should be till the woman’s heart. The reason behind this is to keep the negative energies away and bring calmness and chakra balance to the wife.

In the west-India, many wear Mangalsutra pendants which are made with gold vaati that symbolize the Anahata-Chakra which helps the woman in dissolving her negative emotions and ego.

What do the Black Beads symbolize?

A question would have popped up in your mind why black beads only and not blue beads or white beads or any other color beads?

The answer to this question is, that we all know that when it comes to the marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, the black beads are the symbol of Lord Shiva and the gold is the symbol of Goddess Parvati.

Traditionally, the Mangalsutra consists of nine beads that depict the forms of energy. These nine forms of energy protect the couple from evil energies. Besides this, it is also said that the beads have the power of all four elements - water, air, earth, and fire which keeps the couple’s relationship strong.

Health Benefits of wearing a Mangalsutra

Besides protecting the family from any evil or intangible forces, the Mangalsutra does many benefits to the woman’s health. As we read in the previous point that the Mangalsutra’s ideal length is till the heart chakra, which helps in keeping the woman’s heart healthy and safe from any negative forces.

While the gold attracts the heavenly waves to support the heart and body in well functioning. Furthermore, the black beads do hold their purity, but also they reduce the pain and restlessness in the woman’s body. If the Mangalsutra is dyed in saffron and turmeric paste, then it helps to regularize the circulation of blood and keeps the woman active, in simple words, they help in keeping a woman, happy, healthy, and positive.

Evolvement of Mangalsutras

All thanks to modernization, the vision of wearing a mangalsutra has changed, and nowadays the mangalsutra has become a statement of fashion instead of a marriage symbol. Women have reduced wearing Mangalsutras and with that, the designs of the mangalsutras have also changed to a great extent over the years.

In earlier times, the length of mangalsutras was long with small pendants and simple designs, but in the present scenario, women are preferring the short-length and single-stringed diamond mangalsutras more instead of double-stringed mangalsutras. Though the count of beads is not compromised. The importance of a Mangalsutra for an Indian married woman will be never reduced.

Oh Lord! the Mangalsutra broke, it is a stroke of bad luck!

Many of us have heard this sentence in almost every Indian television series but, in reality, there is nothing like a stroke of bad luck linked to the breaking of Mangalsutra, it is just a mere accident and nothing much, it is just a myth.

The reason behind the breaking of Mangalsutra can be that you wear it even when you are in the shower, not removing it during the nighttime, you may show a little bit more aggression towards it and many more other reasons, but at last, there is no such thing as bad luck connected to the breaking of your Mangalsutra.

Closing Phrases

Wearing a Mangalsutra is good and important for every married woman, but modern working women do not prefer to wear the Mangalsutras during their work time and that is normal. But those women who like to add Mangalsutras in their attire can go for small diamond mangalsutras or even simple gold mangalsutras.


(1) What is a Mangalsutra?

Answer: A Mangalsutra is a traditional necklace worn by married Hindu women in India. It is considered a sacred symbol of marriage and is usually made of gold or black beads with a pendant.

(2) What is the significance of a Mangalsutra?

Answer: The Mangalsutra holds deep cultural and symbolic significance in Hindu marriages. It represents the bond and commitment between a husband and wife. It is believed to bring good luck and protect the husband's well-being and longevity.

(3) Are there regional variations in Mangalsutra designs?

Answer: Yes, there are regional variations in Mangalsutra designs across India. Different states and communities may have their own unique style, materials, and pendant designs for the Mangalsutra. These variations reflect the cultural diversity of the country.

(4) What are some lesser-known significances of the Mangalsutra?

Answer: Besides its primary significance as a marital symbol, the Mangalsutra holds several lesser-known significances. It can represent a woman's marital status and act as a deterrent against evil spirits. It is also believed to enhance the well-being and prosperity of the husband and the overall family.

(5) Can non-Hindu women wear a Mangalsutra?

Answer: The Mangalsutra is traditionally associated with Hindu marriages, but its significance and usage have extended beyond religious boundaries. In modern times, non-Hindu women may also choose to wear Mangalsutras as a fashion accessory or to symbolize their marital status. The acceptance of this practice may vary depending on cultural and personal factors.